Monday, December 21, 2020

Advent 22nd December 2020, Tuesday

1 Sam 1:24-28 / Luke 1:46-56  

Having to say goodbye is usually with a tinge of sadness.

Especially when we are enjoying the company of the other(s) and when we are with our loved ones.

When it comes to saying goodbye after having a good and enriching time, we will tell each other that we will meet again and that we look forward to the next meeting, which we hope won't be that far away.

In the 1st reading, we hear of Hannah who brought her only son Samuel to the temple of the Lord in Shiloh.

Hannah, with her son Samuel, came before EIi, and that in thanksgiving to the Lord for granting her a son, she has decided to "make him over to the Lord". 

That means Hannah was going to part with her son Samuel and leave him in the Temple with Eli.

It was certainly with sadness that Hannah was going to part with Samuel, her only son.

Will they ever meet again, only God knows, but it was for the love of God that Hannah was making this sacrifice.

In the gospel, we too hear of another parting. Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months and then went back home.

Will they ever meet again, there was no certainty.

But one thing was certain in the hearts of Hannah, Mary and Elizabeth.

That when everything is said and done, they will rejoice in the company of God, who too had to part with His only Son in order to save humanity.

May we too trust and believe that God looks upon our sacrifices of love and will reward us with a joy that is everylasting