Monday, December 14, 2020

3rd Week of Advent, Tuesday, 15-12-2020

Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13 / Matthew 21:28-32    

When bad and evil people (aka "sinners") turn over and become good, it is really wonderful.

We may even ask what was the reason for their conversion. 

Of course, we believe that God is the one who made their conversion possible.

But could we say that we prayed fervently for their conversion and we played a part in their conversion?

When Jesus told the gospel parable of the two sons, He simply said that the first son thought better of his initial refusal and did what his father wanted him to do.

But in the reality of life, it would take a lot of prayers and sacrifices for sinners to turn away from their bad and evil ways and to live a good life.

We know from our own lives how difficult it was to resist temptation and to break away from sin.

So besides praying for our own conversion, we need to pray and do reparation and expiation for sinners.

Their conversion would certainly deepen our faith and even help us in our own conversion.