Monday, June 24, 2019

12th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 25-06-19

Genesis 13:2, 5-18 / Matthew 7:26, 12-14

The thickness of the human skin varies from 0.5mm to about 4mm.

But when we say that someone has thick skin, it does not necessarily mean that the person's skin is exceptionally or unusually thick.

Of course it is obvious as to what is meant to call a person thick-skinned.

Another phrase that we use in relation to skin is "beauty is only skin deep".

It means that no matter how impressive or pretty the looks are, it is only as good or as thick as the skin.

Deeper than the skin and going deeper lies the true nature of the person or thing.

In the 1st reading, Abram and Lot had to go separate ways in order to avoid a dispute.

Abram being the uncle and the elder, let Lot choose which part of the land he wished to go to.

Lot was probably selfish and thick-skinned enough to go for the choice lands, but what he was was as good as only skin-deep.

In fact, there was danger in where he chose as he settled near Sodom, and the people of Sodom were vicious men, great sinners against the Lord.

Lot has yet to learn the generosity of Abram, and to treat others as he would like others to treat him.

Let us ask the Lord to soften the hardness and thickness of our hearts so that we will treat others with generosity, and to take that narrow gate and the hard road that leads to life