Wednesday, June 19, 2019

11th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 20-06-19

2 Cor 11:1-11 / Matthew 6:7-15

The teaching about salvation as understood from the Christian perspective is that it is God's initiative, it is God who made the first move to reach out to fallen humanity and offer salvation.

God did that by promising the Saviour and in the fullness of time, the Saviour in the person of Jesus Christ was born of a woman, to redeem fallen humanity.

That is what is revealed in the Bible and also taught by the Church. That is also what we accept and believe as Christians.

But at the same time, there are also other movements and teachings about salvation that are propagated, which is outside of the Christian belief.

Often categorised generally as the "New Age" movement or spirituality,  these teachings and methods often entice our curiosity, leading us to even believe that we can save ourselves and Jesus is just one of the means in our goal for fullness of life and salvation.

That is not anything new because St. Paul, in the 1st reading, knows of the danger of "the serpent, with his cunning, seduced Eve" and he was afraid that the Corinthians may get their belief in Jesus Christ corrupted and turn away from the simple devotion to Christ.

We too are exposed to the seduction and corruption of our faith in Christ, especially when we face difficulties and troubles and our prayer don't seem to be answered and our faith begins to waver.

But we need to keep with what we believe and keep praying the prayers that we know, like the Lord's Prayer (or the Our Father).

Jesus who taught us that prayer is our Saviour. He is our only Saviour and what He taught us is enough for our  salvation.