Wednesday, June 26, 2019

12th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 27-06-19

Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16 / Matthew 7:21-29

Not many of us know how to speak Korean, but not many of us do not know what K-drama is - Korean drama.

Not many of us understand Korean, but many of us like to watch K-drama, and also because there are subtitles, and that helps us to follow what is happening.

As in any drama series, K-drama focuses on essentially the drama of human relationships, and that drama unfolds in a spectrum of emotions, from love and kindness, to deceit and treachery, with that drama taking place in the family, at work, with friends, in society and country.

What we heard in the 1st reading can easily fit into any K-drama series, because it is the drama of life and the drama about life.

Sarai wanted a child, but since she can't conceive, she used her Egyptian slave-girl Hagar to get a child through her.

But when Hagar knew that she has conceived, she snubbed Sarai; Sarai counted for nothing in her eyes.

Obviously Sarai was enraged by this, and so she complained to Abram, and Abram let Sarai do what she liked to Hagar, and she treated her so badly that Hagar ran away.

That is Bible-drama, and it reflects the reality of our human relationships. The drama of our human relationships ranges from healing and happiness, to killing and brokenness.

We want to be happy but we should know by now that money and possessions cannot buy happiness or make us happy.

It is in our loving and caring relationships with others that we find happiness.

But we can only find that happiness when we are at peace with the Lord Jesus. Our relationship with others is a reflection of our relationship with Jesus.

When we are at peace with Jesus, we will be at peace with others, and we will find happiness.