Thursday, December 13, 2018

2nd Week of Advent, Friday, 14-12-18

Isaiah 48:17-19 / Matthew 11:16-19

We are coming to the end of the 2nd Week of Advent and this coming weekend is called "Gaudete Sunday" or "Rejoice" Sunday, and the rose-coloured candle of the Advent wreath will be lit.

That means that we have come to somewhere about in the middle of the four weeks of Advent.

And it is also a good time to do a check and reflect on where we are in our Advent preparation and what have we done so far.

Most of the Advent period is spent on putting up the decorations like the Christmas tree, the wreath, the Crib and getting presents for our loved ones and friends.

If we find a spiritual meaning in doing that, then that is well and good.

But Advent is also a time to turn back to the Scriptures and to reflect on the Word of God and how He had fulfilled the promise of salvation.

The period of Advent is to prepare us to re-encounter the Word-made-Flesh, the Emmanuel, God-with-us, the promise of God fulfilled.

May we reflect deeply on the Word of God and make it our Word for life.

Through the Church, God has already taught us what is good for us.

Let us be alert to His commandments and our happiness will flow like the waters of a river at Christmas.