Tuesday, December 4, 2018

1st Week of Advent, Wednesday, 05-12-18

Isaiah 25:6-10 / Matthew 15:29-37

Some hotels and restaurants offer a buffet meal or even an ala carte buffet for a fixed price.

That means that we can eat all we want and eat all we can for just one price.

Some may think that it is value for money and that it is worth it. But there is only so much we can eat and we can't pack any of the food home.

But even if we have eaten our fill, or maybe even over-ate, does that mean that we have been fully satisfied and that that we won't be eating for a long time more to come?

Certainly not. We will be hungry again and then maybe we will head for the buffet spread again, if that is what we really desire.

So in other words, there seems to be a longing that can't be fulfilled or satisfied.

The 1st reading talks about a mountain where the Lord of hosts will prepare a banquet of rich food, a banquet of fine wines.

But at the time the passage of the 1st reading was written, there was war and the danger of being captured or killed by the enemy.

Even if there was a banquet of rich food and fine wines, there will be no appetite to eat because there was no peace and one can't even eat in peace.

But the 1st reading gives a hope that one day the people will be at peace and dine at the banquet of rich food and fine wines. It was a real hope because it was the promise of God.

And in the gospel, that promise was fulfilled in Jesus who fed the hungry crowd on the mountain top, a meal in which they ate all they wanted.

That brings us back to our Advent preparation. We are preparing to celebrate a promise fulfilled and also a promise that will be fulfulled.

So despite the woes and troubles and anxieties of the present time, we look forward with hope when we will be at the heavenly banquet of rich food and fine wines, where we will rejoice eternally because God has wiped away the tears from every cheek, and nothing more shall we want.