Monday, December 3, 2018

1st Week of Advent, Tuesday, 04-12-18

Isaiah 11:1-10 / Luke 10:21-24

The olive tree is very hardy tree. It can resist drought and disease and even fire, and it can live to a great age.

Its root system is strong and robust and the peculiarity is that it is capable of regenerating the tree even if the above-ground structure is destroyed.

It is with this peculiarity that the 1st reading used to describe the promise of salvation for Israel - "A shoot springs from the stock of Jesse, a scion thrusts from his roots".

With that will also come about a glorious time of peace and harmony, and also of integrity and faithfulness.

Yet the promise of salvation and the glorious reign of God would require patience and waiting and trusting in God's promises.

Just like an olive tree that may take as long as 15 years to bear fruit, the glorious time of peace and harmony, and integrity and faithfulness may also take that long to come about.

Yet in the meanwhile, the roots of the olive tree are spreading and strengthening itself for its growth ahead.

So even if there seems to be happening above-ground, there is certainly unseen activity happening underground.

So even if we don't see it, we know it is happening. More so with God's grace, which we can't see but yet we believe is working.

Yes, blessed are we to whom the mysteries of God are revealed. And more blessed are we when we believe and wait in hope and patience.