Sunday, October 20, 2024

29th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 21-10-2024

Ephesians 2:1-10 / Luke 12:13-21   

It is said that there are two important moments in our lives.

One is when we are born. The other is when we know why we came into this world.

We know that when we were born, we came into this world with nothing.

Then our human instinct for survival kicks in, and we want everything to keep us alive and also to live a comfortable life and have security.

So we exist to survive and, as the 1st reading puts it, we desire for the sensual life and physical desires. 

Like the rich man in the gospel parable, we only think of ourselves and want as much as we can.

Yet, we forget that we cannot bring anything with us when we leave this world.

And in our selfishness, we also forget that there is always enough for everyone’s need and never enough for everyone’s greed.

But when we think about why we came into this world, and the meaning of our lives, then God can reveal something to us.

God sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world to save us and to tell us that we are God’s work of art.

When we realise that, then we know that we are God’s treasure that brings beauty and charity to our needy world.

Let us be God’s work of art for others so that they will also come to know why they came into this world.