Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Thursday Within Easter Octave, 04-04-2024

Acts 3:11-26 / Luke 24:35-48  

The act of eating is primary for the need of survival.

In other words, we eat to live.

But going beyond the need for survival, there is also another purpose.

The act of eating show that we are alive and hence we are able to eat without any external assistance.

And with that comes the social aspect of eating.

Food is enjoyed with good company, and even with simple food, relationships are renewed and deepened.

When the Risen Lord Jesus asked for His disciples for something to eat, they offered Him a piece of grilled fish.

He ate it before their eyes, and it was then they realized that Jesus was real and alive.

The Risen Lord Jesus ate earthly food to show His disciples that He was real and alive.

But the Risen Lord Jesus gives us heavenly food, the Bread of Life, which is His body, to tell us that He is alive and that He wants to live in us.

As we partake of the Body of Christ at Holy Communion, let us remember that it is not ordinary food that we are consuming.

It is the divine Bread of Life, Jesus Himself, and we eat of it so that we live, no more for ourselves, but for Jesus, and also to live in order to love and serve others.