Tuesday, August 22, 2023

20th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 23-08-2023

Judges 9:6-15 / Matthew 20:1-16     

In this world, the existence of good and evil is as distinct as day and night.

And going by what we see and hear on the media, it seems that evil seems to be overwhelming the good.

But more than just the media, we see the struggle between good and evil in the reality of our lives.

But we must understand that evil can only multiply and over-run the good when good people remain indifferent and do nothing about it.

In the 1st reading, Jotham spoke of a parable that pointed out this problem.

The good people and those who were capable of leading the country were only thinking of themselves.

They were represented by the olive tree, the fig tree, the vine.

So in the absence and the inaction of the good people, the bad people came up and took advantage of the situation, as represented by the thorn bush.

So there are good people, but for one reason or another, they just remained dormant and indifferent.

Let us pray that the good people will be awakened by the grace of God and move into action for the good of others.

May they be guided by the Holy Spirit to do what is good, right and just.

And if we are the ones that God is calling, let us get up and get going.

The good that we do for others is also the good that we are doing for ourselves.