Sunday, June 4, 2023

9th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 05-06-2023

Tobit 1:3; 2:1-8 / Mark 12:1-12    

To do what is good, right and loving may not be as clear as it seems.

As much as we desire to do what is good, right and loving, there are distractions and obstacles that will cause us to deviate.

Among them are self-considerations, other people’s opinions, misunderstanding of intentions, etc.

In the 1st reading, when Tobit took the duty to bury the dead man, he was taking a risk at the expense of his own life.

Even his neighbours laughed at him and mocked at him.

But Tobit held firm to his beliefs to do what is the good and right thing.

He did what he believed that God wanted him to do.

In contrast, the tenants in the gospel parable did what they wanted to do, and it was certainly not the good and right thing.

When we put our trust in God and do what is good, right and loving, God will surely bless us.

There will be obstacles, but our good deeds will be like keystones of God’s wonderful doing for other to see.