Tuesday, December 13, 2022

3rd Week of Advent, Wednesday, 14-12-2022

Isaiah 45:6-8, 18, 21-26 / Luke 7:19-23   

No one can ever say that there are no questions about life, especially when there are contradictions and disappointments.

Life is not as clear and straight-forward as we would like it to be or expect it to be.

And when it come to the aspect of faith in God, we can also say that we have our doubts especially when our desperate prayers are not answered and our hopes for a favourable outcome turn out otherwise.

In the gospel, even the great prophet John the Baptist has his doubts and uncertainties.

He was in prison and in the darkness of his cell and alone and cut off from the rest of the world, his faith was put to the test.

He wasn’t sure about Jesus anymore, even though he had pointed Jesus as the Lamb of God.

We too will have our moments of doubts and uncertainties, especially when our faith is tested and we feel that God has forsaken us or forgotten about us.

But it is in times like these that we must persist and persevere in our faith, turn to the Bible to see what God wants to tell us.

In the 1st reading, God says this: Apart from me, all is nothing. I am the Lord, unrivalled, there is no other god besides me, a God of integrity and a saviour.

God’s Word is truth, and His Word gives us strength and life and His Word shows us the way.

This Advent, let us take up the Bible and listen deeply to the Word of God.

May the Word of God be our light and our life in times of doubts and uncertainties.