Sunday, October 16, 2022

29th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 17-10-2022

Ephesians 2:1-10 / Luke 12:13-21   

A rich person is not one who has the most but one who needs the least.

And a truly rich person is one who really knows what is needed, what is necessary and what is important in life.

To be able to know all that can be a challenge because the loud voices of material wealth and possessions and money are not easy to resist.

In fact, if anyone were to turn away from money, wealth and possession would be labelled as a fool by the world.

But today’s gospel tells us what a fool really is. 

And to be called a fool by God is indeed devastating.

Even though it was in the setting of a parable, yet the message is clear.

It is certainly foolish to live as though this world is all that it has to offer in life.

The 1st reading tells us what true riches are, and it is to know the love and mercy of God.

And it is in Jesus Christ, who is infinitely rich in grace that we know what real riches and wealth are.

Because a rich person is one who knows that Jesus is the Saviour and that the true treasure is salvation.