Sunday, March 20, 2022

3rd Week of Lent, Monday, 21-03-2022

2 Kings 5:1-19 / Luke 4:24-30   

A drowning man will clutch at a straw. 

That is just a way of saying that a person who is very desperate will try to use anything for help, even if it is really no help at all.

For Naaman, the Syrian army commander, he was desperate to look for a cure for his leprosy.

Then he heard about the the prophet in Israel who could cure him, and so he went with precious gifts and high expectations.

But when he was told to bathe seven times in the Jordan, he was indignant as he was expecting something dramatic by prophet to cure him of his disease.

Naaman was desperate but not that desperate enough to do a simple and humble thing until his servants convinced to do so.

So it can be said that the lowly and humbles servants were the channels of God's healing grace for Naaman.

And it can also be said that miracles are worked through humble and simple people with kind hearts.

May we be humble and simple and have kind hearts and we will see that God can even work miracles with the lowly straws.