Thursday, August 12, 2021

19th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 13-08-2021

Joshua 24:1-13 / Matthew 19:3-12         

It is certainly helpful to have an ambition in life. 

In school, we are asked to write compositions about what is our ambition in life and what we would want to be in future.

But for us Christians, as much as it is helpful to have an ambition in life, it is more important to have a vocation in life.

We need to know what state of life God is calling us to and in what manner of life are we to serve Him.

In the 1st reading, Joshua assumed the role of being the leader of the people after Moses had returned to the Lord.

He may not have had that ambition nor did he expect to be in that position.

But as he recounted the calling of the forefathers of the people, like Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Moses, he also knew that it was God who has called him to this state and he is to serve the Lord by being the leader of the people.

In the gospel, Jesus talked about marriage as a calling from God, and hence what God has united, man must not divide.

Jesus also went on to talk about the calling to specific states of life and the call is from God to these people.

Let us discern and discover God's calling for us. 

In whatever state of life or manner of life that God is calling each of us, we can be assured God's grace will accompany us to what and where God is calling us to.