Tuesday, July 20, 2021

16th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 21-07-2021

Exodus 16:1-5, 9-15 / Matthew 13:1-9        

To have fresh air and sunshine are really the good things in life, and we should be thankful for that.

But still, we just can't live on only fresh air and sunshine.

For the people in the 1st reading, it can be said that they had plenty of fresh air and sunshine, and of course the freedom to enjoy it.

But that didn't keep them contented for long. Food became the next thing that they wanted and they began complaining about it.

Of course the Lord heard their complaints and gave them bread and meat to eat.

That should make us reflect on the blessings we have that we had taken for granted.

If we find ourselves complaining about not having this or that, could it be that our hearts have become rocky and thorns and weeds are growing in our hearts.

Let us go out and take a deep breath and enjoy the warm sunshine.

May our hearts be softened with thanksgiving for God's blessings so that our hearts will bear a harvest of love for God and for others.