Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Wednesday With Easter Octave, 15-04-2020

Acts 3:1-10 / Luke 24:13-35

Our feet enable us to move around and bring us to places.

But in this time of the country's Circuit Breaker enforcement, we can only move around the house, which for most of us, is not that much space.

And here is where we look at our hands and know that they have an important role, as they have always been, but even more so now.

With our hands, we reach out and give a helping hand, and not just to talk or even to grumble and complain.

In the 1st reading, Peter commanded the crippled man, in the name of Jesus, to walk.

But he didn't just stop there. Peter then took the crippled man by the hand and helped him to stand up, and then he began to walk.

In the gospel, we again see the importance of hands, as Jesus took the bread and said the blessings and then He broke it and handed it to the two disciples.

And then their eyes were opened and they recognised Him, but He vanished from their sight.

Let us ask our Risen Lord to bless the work of our hands, that we may reach out to those in need with helping hands that they through the love from our hand will also feel the love of Jesus and be able to overcome their troubles.