Thursday, November 22, 2018

33rd Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 23-11-18

Apocalypse 10:8-11 / Luke 19:45-48

No matter how wonderful or awesome someone or something might be, after some time we will get used to it.

Whether it is a new relationship or a new interest, after a while, the initial fervour will cool off.

And then we begin to take it for granted and become rather casual with it.

It can even happen to something sacred and holy. And that was the situation that Jesus was addressing in the gospel passage.

The Temple, which was the house of God, which was also a profound sign of the presence of God among His people, was being taken for granted and even the religious authorities were rather casual with it.

The Temple was not just a building but it was to be a house of prayer where God meets His people.

But Jesus made this remark - "you have turned it into a robbers' den.

We may not be so brazen as to turn God's house into robbers' den. But we may be complacent and take things for granted because we have gotten used to it and become casual in our relationship with God.

Jesus reminds us that God's house is to be a house of prayer and worship. Our attitude in the house of God also reflects our relationship with God. May we not take that for granted and become too casual or used to it.