2 Kings 2:1, 6-14 / Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
There will come a time for people of authority and power to step down and hand the reins to their successors.
For the prophet Elijah, the time had come for him to hand over power to his successor Elisha.
Elijah knew he was to be taken back to God.
Elisha his successor now ask for a double share of his prophetic spirit.
reason being that the law of Israel had it that a double share of
property was to be given by the father to his first-born son.
Elisha was the chosen heir, but the prophetic spirit was for God alone to give.
But what was given to Elijah was eventually doubled in Elisha and culminated in John the Baptist.
John the Baptist was the prophet that Jesus described as the prophet Elijah who had returned to bring the people back to God.
Jesus returned to His Father, He promised to give us not just a
prophetic spirit but the Holy Spirit as our Advocate and Helper.
Holy Spirit will give us the power to break free from sin and to have
hearts of love so that we can live our lives of holiness and bring
people back to God.