Daniel 7:15-27 / Luke 21:34-36
For most of us, it does not really matter, but today is the last day of the church liturgical calendar, the last day of the liturgical Year A.
And this evening's liturgy begins with the new cycle of Year B and it starts off with Advent.
But it does not really matter to most of us except that the Sunday Missals for the new cycle must be prepared and ready at the pews.
So day by day, life passes on, and year by year, seasons come and go with such a monotony that our lives may seem to be go on routine and our hearts are not that excited anymore.
Our hearts may not be coarsened with debauchery and drunkenness and the cares of this world, but we may feel tired by the everyday routine and monotony of having to be care-givers or service-providers or just having to give-give-give and not getting much in return.
Or like Daniel in the 1st reading, our hearts may be deeply disturbed by what is happening to our careers, our future, our families, our spouse, our children.
But as we come to the last day of the liturgical year and before we begin a new one, let us with grateful hearts give thanks to God for His blessings and let us also stay awake, praying at all times with hope in the abundant blessings that are to come.
Indeed the end is also the beginning, and as we end off the liturgical Year A with thanksgiving, let us begin the liturgical Year B with praying.
It is a new beginning. It matters because Jesus came to renew all things and to make all things new. Let us then pray for the new heart and a new hope.