Acts 3:1-10 / Luke 24:13-35
What we see depends mainly on what we are looking for.
When we are looking for a particular thing, then all the other things do not seem to matter as we look for that one particular thing.
In the 1st reading, the crippled man looked at Peter and John and he begged to them hoping to get something from them.
In the gospel, the two disciples on the way to Emmaus saw Jesus but something prevented them from recognising him.
In both cases, it can be said that that they were looking but not really seeing more, other than what they wanted for themselves
The cripple wanted some financial assistance. The two disciples wanted some sympathy for their misery and disappointment.
When we are looking at only what we want for ourselves then we may not be seeing what Jesus wants to give us.
What may actually be preventing us from seeing Jesus is when we look inwards at ourselves instead of looking outwards and seeing what Jesus wants to give us.
What Jesus wants to give us is not mere silver or gold or some consolation in our disappointment.
Jesus wants to give us a revelation. When Jesus is who we are looking for, we will see Him.