2 Kings 11 : 1-4, 9-18, 20 / Matthew 6 : 19-23
The people of today are very much better informed than the peoples of any other age in history.
There is news on the hour on tv and radio.
There is the vast load of information on the Internet.
Yes, we are very much better informed.
But does being better informed also mean that we are clearly informed?
Does being better informed make us into better persons?
Today's gospel informs us about the essential difference between the treasure of earth and the treasure of heaven.
But that information can only make us better persons when we decide to seek the treasures of heaven.
Only then will information not just inform us, it will also form us into better persons.
Jesus tells us in today's gospel that the things of this world will pass away.
Hence the critical question is that when life is over and done, are we ready for the life of heaven.
In the Eucharist, we celebrate the eternal mysteries, and we are given a foretaste of heaven.
May we be reminded not to be stuck with the things of earth, but to set our hearts on the things above.