Isaiah 55:10-11 / Matthew 6:7-15
The season of Lent is a time of renewal, a spring-time of our faith.
It may also entail some spring-cleaning of our souls.
That is why the season of Lent has a penitential character.
We reinforce our prayer so that we can deepen our faith and relationship with God.
We do penance and give alms so that we detach from our possessions and turn away what leads us to sin.
In all that, we go back to the basics of our faith, to the basics of what we believe in and to the basics of how to live it out in our lives.
The 1st reading tells of a rather basic process of nature, and that is, the rain and the snow come down from the heavens and do not return without watering the earth, and giving growth.
So too the Word of God does not return empty without carrying out the will of God and fulfilling it.
And the Word of God in the gospel teaches us the basic prayer of the “Our Father”.
As we pray that prayer, may we also carry out the will of God and fulfill the plans of God in our lives.