One of the early Church Fathers, St Irenaeus (130 – 202 AD) was quoted as saying this: "The glory of God is man fully alive."
Mankind is made in the image of God, and mankind reflects the goodness and the love of God.
But sin has disfigured and distorted the image of God that man is created in.
And when sin continues to manifest, then mankind becomes more and more ugly and wicked.
But that is because mankind has forgotten what goodness and love is about.
In the 1st reading, God instructs Moses to declare to the people that they are to be holy, just as God Himself is holy.
So, to be human and to be fully alive is to be like God, to be holy, to do good and to be loving.
In the gospel, Jesus tells a parable that expresses what being human is about.
It is as fundamental and essential as sharing food and drink with those who are hungry and thirsty, to welcome the stranger, to care for the sick, to visit those who are neglected and forgotten.
In other words, to be human is to share the goodness and love of God with those in need.
That is the core of being human. When we express that core human goodness and love, then we have become truly alive.