Wednesday, October 2, 2024

26th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 03-10-2024

Job 19:21-27 / Luke 10:1-12   

We all have friends – some are good friends, while others are either casual or social friends.

But as the saying goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

In a time of tribulation, there will be a revelation.

It will reveal who are really our friends, and who are the fair-weather friends.

In the 1st reading, the so-called friends of Job didn’t seem to have any sympathy or empathy for Job in his time of misfortune and suffering.

Yet, in the depths of his misery, Job still hung on to his faith that God will come to his help as he says:
“These eyes will gaze on Him and find Him not aloof”.

In the gospel, Jesus prepared His disciples for danger as He reminds them that He is sending them out like lambs among wolves.

But He also tells them that there will be those who will welcome them.

Just as a labourer deserves his wages, His disciples will also have consolation in the face of desolation.

That is also the promise of Jesus to us. 

We will know who our true friends are in our time of need.