Thursday, October 3, 2024

26th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 04-10-2024

Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5 / Luke 10:13-16  

Man is the most intelligent of all creatures.

With his intelligence, he can make discoveries and use tools to make inventions.

But despite his intelligence and knowledge, there are questions that are beyond the grasp of man.

It can be as simple a question like: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

That is a simple question, and yet we cannot be certain of which came first.

In the 1st reading, Job had earlier questioned God about the meaning of his misfortunes and sufferings.

Then God replied to Job, not with answers, but with questions.

More than just the chicken and egg question, God asked Job about the workings of nature and all that he sees around him.

To God’s questions, Job can only reply with this: My words have been frivolous; what can I reply? I had better lay my finger on my lips.

We too have our questions about life, especially when we face unfairness, misfortunes and suffering.

But like Job, let us lay our finger on our lips.

When we silence the noise of our hearts, then we will be able to listen to the voice of God and we will also be able to see what God wants to reveal to us.