Sunday, September 29, 2024

26th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 30-09-2024

Job 1:6-22 / Luke 9:46-50 

If we have photos of ourselves when we were babies or when we were toddlers, we must keep and treasure those photos.

More than just for memories or for sentimental reason, it is also for our reflection.

As babies or little children, we could see how simple our lives were then.

We had nothing of our own and we depended on our parents for everything.

But as we grew up along the way, we began to learn how to be competitive.

We wanted to prove ourselves and to have recognition in our world.

We wanted to have achievements as well as possessions and wealth.

And like what the disciples were arguing about, we also want to be great and have others to look up to us and envy us.

But the 1st reading tells us that life is unpredictable and fortunes can change.

And as Job faced one terrible misfortune after another, he knew that he had only one thing left.

He still had his life, and he knew that his life is in the hands of God.

His words of wisdom is for our reflection: Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked I shall return. The Lord gave, the Lord has taken back. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

May that also help us to realise that we need to be like little children and put our trust in God that He will also provide for what we need in life.