Tuesday, September 24, 2024

25th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 25-09-2024

Proverbs 30:5-9 / Luke 9:1-6 

There is this saying that we become what we eat.

Regardless of how that statement is understood, what really matters is that what we eat goes into our bodies.

Certainly, that should make us be careful about what we put into our mouths.

Of no lesser importance is what we read and what we hear.

Because what we read and what we listen to will form our thoughts and ideas.

What we read and listen to will also shape our character and direction in life.

The 1st reading reminds us that every Word of God is unalloyed, and it is a shield for those who take refuge in God.

And the 1st reading also tells us of the two things that we should ask from God,

One is that God keeps whatever falsehood and lies from us.

And the other is that we be given enough to sustain our lives.

When Jesus sent His disciples to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal, He also gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases.

Whatever else they need will be provided by God, and hence they are to take nothing with them.

As we listen to the Word of God in the two readings, may we also put our trust in God.

Let us ask the Lord to keep us from falsehood and lies, and to give us our daily bread.

That is enough for us to go on and live out the Good News of the kingdom of God.