Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles, Wednesday, 29-06-2022

Acts 12:1-11 / 2 Tim 4:6-8, 17-18 / Matthew 16:13-19  

Many things in life are closely connected but yet they are in some sense distinct as well as different.

A coin has two sides, there is night and day, there is left and right, and other analogies that reflect a similarity and yet there is a difference.

The feast of St. Peter and St. Paul brings up many similar aspects between the two saints, yet at the same time, there are also distinctions.

Their characters and personality can be said to be different.

Their status in life before becoming disciples were also different.

And how the Lord called them and how they responded were also different.

But despite all these differences, they had one great similarity, and that is they had a deep conviction about who Jesus is and were deeply committed to Him, even to laying down their lives in witnessing to Jesus.

St. Peter and St. Paul are like reflections of the Church, which in many aspects are distinct and different.

But as the Church founded on Jesus and built on the Rock of the confession of Peter's faith, we must be united in love and in the conviction that Jesus is the Saviour and to be committed in loving God and others.

Then the gates of the underworld cannot hold out against the Church and we the members of the Body of Christ must go forth courageously to proclaim the Good News of salvation to the world.