Sunday, June 12, 2022

11th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 13-06-2022

1 Kings 21:1-16 / Matthew 5:38-42   

To take the path of least resistance means to take the easiest and convenient way.

It could also be the smartest way out of a difficult situation.

It also sounds like a neat way without getting into too much trouble.

What Jesus said in the gospel sound like the path of least resistance.

But the way that Jesus is saying is certainly not an easy or convenient way out of a difficult situation.

In fact the way that Jesus is saying goes against our instinct of revenge and retaliation.

So Jesus is not saying that we take the path of least resistance in order to avoid trouble or difficulty.

Jesus is teaching us the way of love and forgiveness.

Those who believe in the power of love and forgiveness will walk the way of Jesus.

There can be no resistance against love and forgiveness, and those who believe in Jesus will walk that way.