Thursday, December 16, 2021

Advent, 17th December 2021, Friday

Genesis 49:2, 8-10 / Matthew 1:1-17      

Looking at a tree may give us some points for reflection and meditation.

When we look at the branches of the tree, we will notice that the branches grow in different ways and directions. In fact, no two branches are alike.

And if it is a fruit-bearing tree, then the fruits are of the same kind, though no two fruits are of the same shape and size.

The gospel listed out the genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham.

Certainly it is not saying that Jesus Christ is not of human origin.

But it goes to show that though mankind sinned, it is also with the collaboration of human persons that Jesus came into the world by being born of a woman.

A closer study of the genealogy list will also tell us there are rather surprising persons in it, persons like outsiders (non-Jews), persons with a bad reputation, or persons who had committed a grave sin.

But just as the branches of a tree grow in different directions but the fruit is the same,  the different people in the genealogy list all had a part to play in the coming of Jesus Christ.

We too, in a sense, are different from each other but we all have a part in making Jesus present in this world.

May we be faithful in bearing that fruit of love, so that others can see us as the Body of Christ.