Monday, December 13, 2021

3rd Week of Advent, Tuesday, 14-12-2021

Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13 / Matthew 21:28-32     
When life is peaceful and prosperous, when the going is smooth and comfortable, we may think those are the conditions that will encourage growth.

It is true that when the survival and security needs are taken care of, then we can look at intellectual enrichment and human development.

But on the other hand, it is when there are threats to survival and security that there will be exponential growth or spikes in growth.

In the 1st reading, God's people was having it too good that they became complacent to the extent of being rebellious, defiled and tyrannical.

So instead of taking advantage of the good and peaceful times to grow and strengthen their faith and give thanks to God, the people took things for granted and were unfaithful to the Lord.

So the Lord had to bring them to their knees and to cleanse them so that they will learn how to obey the Lord and be a humble and lowly people.

In the gospel, it was the sinners and the tax collectors who believed in the Good News.

They had sinned and knew the consequences and now they want to repent and live a good life.

May we not be complacent and to take life and faith for granted, but to strive to deepen our faith so that we will always give thanks and praise the Lord for His abundant blessings.