Tuesday, August 31, 2021

22nd Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 01-09-2021

Colossians 1:1-8 / Luke 4:38-44   

No matter how strong or how healthy we are, there is no doubt that we are afraid of sickness and illness.

Because sickness or illness, especially when it is grave or serious, will expose our vulnerability.

It is in times like these that we see clearly that health is wealth, and all the wealth cannot buy health.

The gospel passage talked about sickness and illnesses, but it also showed that sickness and illness do not have the last say.

Jesus came as Saviour and His mission was to proclaim the Good News of salvation, and it was expressed in curing the sick and breaking the power of evil.

And as Saviour, Jesus came not just to cure sickness and illnesses but to proclaim the Good News of salvation and to give us hope.

With hope, we will be able to face the difficulties of life like sickness and illness and the evil of this world.

With Jesus, even though there will anxiety and fear in our lives, we will rise with Jesus and be witnesses of His saving love for us.