Monday, August 16, 2021

20th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 17-08-2021

Judges 6:11-24 / Matthew 19:23-30    

God has made mankind in His image. God also endowed mankind with intellect and will, so that mankind stands at the apex of God's creation.

With intellect, mankind is entrusted with the responsibility of developing and enhancing creation to its full potential for the glory of God.

But with free will and freedom of choice, mankind has to make the decision as to whether the world and all that is in it will be for the glory of God.

Or will it be for him to exploit and misuse and abuse. 

It is not just mankind at large, but it also comes down to each of us.

For all that we see that is wrong in the world, we may think that it is beyond us, and almost impossible for us, to make any change for the better.

But what is impossible for man is not impossible for God; everything is possible for God.

As we heard in the 1st reading, God chose the weakest and the least in the person of Gideon to rescue Israel from the power of the enemy.

May we know what God's will is for us, and may we carry it faithfully, so that we can truly be who God has created.