Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday Within Easter Octave, 17-04-2020

Acts 4:1-12 / John 21:1-14   

The world that we used to know is certainly not the world that we are presently in.

So many things have been reversed, so much so that we wonder what kind of world we are in now.

Where once being together with others is good for relationships, now we have to practice social distancing for our own good and for others.

Where once parents tell the children not to go out, now it is the children who tell their parents not to go out.

Yes, we live in a very different reversed world, and we wonder how good would it be.

In the gospel, the disciples were together and it was after the Resurrection of Jesus.

It was a different world for them already and yet they wanted to go back to the world they were in before - they went back to fishing, but they caught nothing all night.

Then Jesus showed Himself to them as He stood on the shore but they didn't recognise Him until He called out to them.

And Jesus is also calling out to us. He wants to lead us as we try to figure out what this new world that we are in is all about.

Let us listen to His voice as we read the Scriptures and participate in the online prayer sessions.

May we recognise Jesus in what is happening around us so that we will still have faith and hope in this new world that we are in