Sunday, April 26, 2020

3rd Week of Easter, Monday, 27-04-2020

Acts 6:8-15 / John 6:22-29

Whenever the phrase "the signs of the times" is mentioned, there may the tendency to think of big spectacular signs.

That is understandable as these big and spectacular signs catch the attention and there is a fascination over it.

But whether the people understand the meaning and the message of these big and spectacular signs is another question.

In the 1st reading, Stephen was filled with grace and power and began to work miracles and great signs among the peoples.

But instead of trying to understand the meaning and the message of these signs, some people came to debate with Stephen, and even arrested him and brought him before the Sanhedrin.

And in the gospel, Jesus said to the people that they were looking for Him not because they understood the meaning and the message of the sign of the multiplication of bread, but rather it was because they had all the bread they wanted to eat.

So it seems that in both cases, the meaning and the message of the sign is not understood.

The sign caught the attention and fascination of the people but it didn't go beyond.

As we look at the signs of our times, let us look beyond and try to understand the meaning and message of the sign(s).

God is speaking to us through these signs. Let us pray that we may come to understand the meaning and heed the message.