Wednesday, November 27, 2019

34th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 28-11-19

Daniel 6:12-28 / Luke 21:20-28              ` 
To be thrown into a lion's den is to be in a place or state of extreme disadvantage, antagonism, or hostility.

And usually it is not the strong and mighty who are thrown into the lion's den, but the weak and the innocent.

And no doubt about it, not many have survived and come out alive of the lion's den. Death is almost certain and a horrible death at that.

The prophet Daniel was thrown into the lion's den by his accusers who were actually just jealous of his high rank and he also enjoyed the king's favour.

So they laid a trap under the guise of religion and the king unsuspectingly signed the decree, and which he could not revoke.

So it can be said that the conspirators were more vicious and inhumane compared to the lions in the den.

But once again, God came to the help of the innocent and those who are faithful to Him; God rescued Daniel by sending an angel to seal the lions' jaws and saved Daniel from certain death.

There will be many lion's dens that we might be thrown into by those who are against us for some reason.

Like Daniel, let us remain innocent and faithful to God's ways and trust in the Lord's saving help.

In doing so, we will survive the lion's den and live to proclaim the mighty and marvelous works of God.