Monday, November 11, 2019

32nd Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 12-11-19

Wisdom 2:23 - 3:9 / Luke 17:7-10     

Our beliefs and our destiny have a connection.

Our beliefs shape our destiny, not just in this life but also in the next life.

Because out of our beliefs flows our actions, and our actions slowly form our habits.

Our habits shape our character and by our character we build our destiny.

The 1st readings tells us that God made us imperishable; He made us in the image of His own nature.

But it was the devil's envy that brought death into the world.

In other words, sin has distorted our beliefs.

Sin has also robbed us of our destiny, which is to be fully human and to be fully loving.

That is why Jesus reminds us in the gospel that we are merely servants.

No doubt, we are made in the image of God's nature and God's nature is love.

Hence, to love God and love others is our duty. We are servants of love and we can't expect a reward for it.

When we heed the call to this duty to love, we begin to build our destiny in this life and as well as in the life to come.