Friday, May 24, 2019

5th Week of Easter, Saturday, 25-05-19

Acts 16:1-10 / John 15:18-21

It might be interesting to know what non-Catholics think about us Catholics.

We wonder if they think of us as rigid and ritualistic religious traditionalists, or that we are a loving and caring people who show our religious beliefs by living holy lives.

Though the opinions and views of non-Catholics about Catholics are not critically important, yet they certainly give us a view of ourselves that we can't see or maybe don't want to see.

Whatever the case may be, we must constantly remember that we are chosen to be God's holy people.

Yes, we are called and set apart to walk and live in God's ways, especially when we are faced with the attraction and the lucrative ways of the world.

Yet, we have a choice - the way of God, or the way of the world.

Jesus made a choice for the way of God and to save us when He faced the cross.

May we also make a choice for Jesus and walk in the way of God, so that others will truly see us as a loving and a caring God-fearing people.