Wednesday, May 1, 2019

2nd Week of Easter, Thursday, 02-05-19

Acts 5:27-33 / John 3:31-36

In life we have many things to think about.

We think about our health and we try not to indulge in "sinful" foods that will result in high cholesterol or high blood or heart problems.

We think about our wealth and we hope that we will have enough savings to enjoy a golden sunset.

We also think about our relationships, and that will include our marriage, our parents, our children and our loved ones.

And then on and off, we might think about the after-life. Strange that we think about it only on and off.

Because the after-life is about eternity, as compared to this life which is only temporary.

In the gospel, John the Baptist said that anyone who believes in Jesus has eternal life.

But eternal life does not begin after death. In fact it begins with this life, with the here and now.

And it is not just about saying that we believe in Jesus. To believe is also to obey and follow the truth that Jesus has taught us.

No doubt the cares and concerns of this world will continue to engage our minds and hearts and the voices of this world will try to convince us that the glitter and lustre of this world is what we really need.

But St. Peter will remind us in the 1st reading - Obedience to God comes before obedience to man.

To believe in Jesus means to obey His teachings and to set our minds and hearts on things above and not on the things of earth.