Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Thursday within Octave of Easter, 25-04-19

Acts 3:11-26 / Luke 24:35-48

Today's readings underscore three interwoven aspects of our lives as Christians.

Firstly, there is the reality of the resurrection.

Jesus had to say quite a bit to convince His disciples of the reality of His resurrection - Touch me, I have flesh and bones. I am not a ghost. Yes, I am risen. And I can even eat fish.

Secondly, there is the necessity of the cross. The Christ would have to suffer and die and then rise from the dead.

And thirdly, there is this urgency to proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins.

However in life, that order somehow becomes a little different.

Firstly, we must feel the urgency for repentance of our sins, whether it is because of grave illness or some close shaves in life.

We must long for that freedom to be forgiven and to forgive others too.

But that urgency and longing can only come about when we face the cross.

Because the cross challenges us to turn away from sin, to empty out our selfishness  and to pour out our lives for others.

There is no other way to experience the reality of the resurrection except through the way of the cross.

So whenever we choose the cross, we choose what is now, and that is the life of freedom, and we also choose what is beyond, and that is the life of the resurrection.