Thursday, April 25, 2019

Friday within Octave of Easter, 26-04-19

Acts 4:1-12 / John 21:1-14

The last chapter of the Gospel of John is chapter 21, and today's gospel passage is taken from that chapter.

And this passage recalls many occasions for reminiscing.

When Peter said he wanted to go fishing, probably he wanted to recall how his life had turned out since the time he left his fisherman trade to follow Jesus.

And then there was the miraculous catch of the 153 fish; another reminder for Peter of that occasion, at the same lake, when he witnessed a miraculous catch of fish under the similar circumstances.

And then the sight of the charcoal fire. It was while standing before another charcoal fire that he denied knowing Jesus.

And then the bread and fish - it certainly reminded him of the miraculous feeding of the thousands.

It was in the midst of all this recollection and reminiscing that Jesus asked Peter the question "Do you love me?"

How else could Peter answer?

And when Jesus asked him to feed His sheep, how could he reject?

And when it came for him to lay down his life for Jesus, how could he not do it willingly?

Because when it comes to Chapter 21 of the Gospel of John, Peter knew that Jesus is the only one who can save us.

It was a conviction which he declared in the 1st reading.

We too will come to a Chapter 21 of our lives.

And as we recall and reminisce what God has done for us in our lives, may we also say, like Peter, that we love Jesus, and may we proclaim His as Saviour.