Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5th Week of Easter, Wednesday, 17-05-17

Acts 19 : 1-6 / John 15 : 1-8

Leaves on the ground is a common sight in Singapore because we have many trees around.

The leaves are also of different shades and shapes. But whatever stage that they are in, the fact is clear.

They have fallen off from the trees or plants.

And then the reality of the state of these leaves will slowly become clear to us.

They are dying or are withered and dead altogether.

Just a simple reflection on the common sight of dried-up and withered leaves will bring home the message of Jesus in today's gospel.

The message is clear enough - cut off from Jesus, we can do nothing, and we will wither and die.

But with Jesus and in Jesus, we will reflect the beauty of life, just as the leaves reflect the beauty of the tree or plant.

It is this beauty that will bring back those who have separated themselves from Jesus.

That will be the fruit that we can bear for Jesus.