Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3rd Week of Lent, Wednesday, 22-03-17

Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9 / Matthew 5:17-19

Most homes and offices will have a storage room of some sort and of various sizes. Of course, the bigger the storage room, the more the items there can be.

Some of these items may be things of importance or they may just be ordinary things that we use now and then, or things that we just want to get out of the way and so the most convenient place to put them will be the storage room.

But the problem can be that we may not make a list of what we put in that storage room and also we may not be that discerning and hence, that room will be cluttered with things like boxes and brooms and whatever.

And after a while, we may not remember what we have put into that storage room and when we want to look for something we may also forget that we put it in that room.

Such can be said of our hearts and minds. There are so many things to remember and so many things to think about that after a while, even the important things like birthdays and anniversaries are forgotten.

In the 1st reading, Moses urged the people not to forget the things their eyes have seen, nor let them slip from their hearts all the days of their life. They must tell them to their children and even to their children's children.

In the gospel, Jesus said that He did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets but to complete them.

In effect, He is reminding us of the Law of God that must be taught and kept in our minds and hearts.

The season of Lent is to help us remember what Jesus had taught us and to keep it and also to teach it to our children and also to our children's children.