Amos 3:1-6; 4:11-12 / Matthew 8:23-27
It is often said that life is so unpredictable. It is so true especially when calm turns to chaos.
It may happen on the expressway when we are driving when suddenly another vehicle swerves into our path from nowhere.
Or we may be doing our work happily when suddenly the fire alarm goes off and everyone starts to jump up from their seats and wonder if there is an emergency.
Certainly, life is unpredictable, and more so when calm turns to chaos.
But it was when calm turns to chaos that the disciples began to have a deeper glimpse of who Jesus is.
And when the prophet Amos warned the people of impending punishment and chaos, he also urged them: Israel, prepare to meet your God.
Every situation of chaos, of tribulation, of danger is a time to meet our God and to have a deeper encounter with Him.
And when the Lord has calmed the turbulence within us, then we in turn can be His prophet of peace.
Like Amos the prophet, when we come across a chaotic situation, we will also know that it is a time to meet our God who is our Saviour.