Sunday, June 12, 2016

11th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 13-06-16

1 Kings 21:1-16 / Matthew 5:38-42

Small matters cannot be underestimated. Because small matters can escalate into big issues and have drastic consequences.

More so if the small matters are in regards to selfish desires. It can be said that the smallness of a person is in portion to the smallness of the matter of his desires.

In the 1st reading, we can see how small a person that king Ahab was. He wanted Naboth's vineyard to be his vegetable garden, and he was even willing to pay for it or even give Naboth another vineyard.

But as Naboth puts it clearly: The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my ancestors!

That should be clear enough for king Ahab, but he sulked and he was like throwing a tantrum over a small issue.

In came his wicked wife Jezebel, and she schemed and plotted against Naboth, and in the end, an innocent man lost his life.

This is certainly shocking and atrocious  to us who, like Naboth, want to live a good life and be faithful to God and walk in His ways.

Yet, the wickedness and evil that we see happening around us can be overwhelming, and if we don't stand by faith in God, then we will succumb and become like the smallness of the wicked and evil people.

So when Jesus tells us to offer the wicked no resistance, we may think that it does not make much sense, and they may even take kindness for weakness.

But in reality, the only way to overcome the smallness of evil is not to resist it with eye for eye and tooth for tooth. Resistance of this kind will only feed it and make it grow into a big issue with drastic consequences.

Rather, let us stand by God in faith, and wait for His help for He is our salvation. God alone is our hiding place and He will save us from distress.