Monday, May 11, 2015

6th Week of Easter, Tuesday, 12-05-15

Acts 16:22-34 / John 16:5-11

Whenever someone tells us that they are going abroad for a holiday or for some other purpose, we would certainly be very curious as to where they are heading for.

That question "Where are you going?" is like burning to come out of our mouths, even as much as we try to respect the privacy of the other person.

Nonetheless, we are always curious to know where other people are heading towards even though it may be none of our business.

But in the gospel, as Jesus told His disciples that He was going away, none of His disciples asked Him "Where are you going?"

It is certainly not that they are try to be polite and observing etiquette. But as Jesus observed they were sad that He was leaving them.

Quite obviously, the disciples don't know where Jesus was going and yet they don't know what questions to ask also.

As for Paul and Silas in the 1st reading, neither had they any clear indication of where they would be heading and what would be in store for them.

So after being flogged, they were thrown into prison. But it was there that they experienced another mighty wonder of God and even the gaoler and his family got converted.

As for ourselves, if we are wondering where we are heading, then the two readings gives us this indication.

We are heading towards God, and our lives should be directed towards God. When our lives are in that direction, then there will be no curiosity or anxiety about the future.