Monday, May 4, 2015

5th Week of Easter, Tuesday, 05-05-15

Acts 14:19-28 / John 14:27-31

One of the factors that draw people to a religion is that it gives them this sense of peace.

They will speak of experiences like being troubled and in distress and then something mysterious happens.

For whatever reason, they will just be drawn to a church, and there they will feel a sense of peace and calmness.

Or they may hear a hymn and the tune or the words just resonate in them.

Or they may look at the crucifix or a holy picture or statue and they will feel that God is with them and they experience a sense of security.

Say it anyway we want, the experience is similar as well as familiar - the experience of peace.

These experiences only go to show that Jesus continues to give us peace, especially in our troubled lives and in our troubled world.

It is only with this peace that Jesus gives that will enable us persevere in our faith and empower us to face the many hardships of life.

At every Eucharist, Jesus gives us His peace when He says: I leave you peace; my peace I give you.

Let us continue to trust in Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and may we not troubled and afraid of the difficulties of life.