Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4th Week of Easter, Wednesday, 29-04-15

Acts 12:24 - 13:5 / John 12:44-50

Courage is called upon in many various scenarios and situations.

One would be at the battlefield when faced with explosions and gunfire - it would take a lot of raw courage to advance despite the casualties.

On a less dramatic scenario, it would also take a lot of courage to stand for what is right and just. It is not easy to say that something is wrong, even if everybody is doing it, and to do what is right and just even if nobody is doing it.

But whether it is a battlefield scenario or a moral question, the courage of the human spirit is put to the test, and those who take up the call of courage will stand out from the rest.

But when the Spirit of God stirs up the human spirit, then courage as well as faith will be needed to answer the call.

In the 1st reading, when the Spirit chose Barnabas and Paul for the mission, the whole community had to respond with courage and faith.

Because Barnabas and Paul would have to go to uncharted and maybe hostile territories. It would mean leaving loved ones and friends and the comfort and security.

But the Spirit of God that stirs up the human spirit will give courage and strength to do the work of God.

The Spirit of God that stirs up the human spirit will also grant faith to believe in Jesus so that the light of Jesus will guide us through the darkness of falsehood and walk the way of truth.

May we open our hearts to the light of Jesus and gain courage to do what is right and just.